The psychology of stress and exercise

Stressed? Just go for a run?

We all know that exercise is good for us physically, but it also has dramatic effects on our psychological motivation, focus and wellbeing. And you don’t have to run marathons to benefit from it. But what are the exact mechanisms of these effects, and how much exercise do we need to do to achieve them?

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Time perspectives and wellbeing

The psychology of time perspectives

Have you ever thought about the psychology of time? Some of us think a lot about future, constantly planning and wondering ‘what if’. Often, we worry about what will happen tomorrow or next week. Others are more focused on the past, replaying and ruminating on the same event over and over. We are always hearing it is good to be ‘in the present’. But what does the study of the psychology of time tell us about all this?

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Psychology Squared ‘en francais’

New French translation of ‘Psychology Squared’…

Just a short post this week, I’ve some more international book news!

Psychology Squared, 100 concepts you should know (the book that arguably started this blog!) is now available in… French! As such, it joins it’s place amongst the original UK and US editions, and the more recent German translation . Again, if I am honest this is a bit of a surprise, but a really nice one!

You can check out the French version here, or go back and see the original UK and US editions if you missed them first time around….

On the book front, I am also still cracking away at Social Psychology: The Basics – with the first draft pretty much done :-).I also have some news about my next pocketbook coming up soon as well – hopefully in the next few weeks!

So, lots going on bookwise at the moment 🙂

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Humour and stress reduction

Humour and stress reduction

We have all heard that laughter is the best medicine, but how does humour help with stress reduction? Is all humour equal? How do we use it? Read on to find out more…

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Goals – how to set and stick to them

A key driver of motivation is through effective goal setting. But how do we set goals which will motivate us and how do we make sure we follow through on them? One way to do this is to think about why we want to achieve something ahead of time, making sure we use SMART goals1 and employ techniques such as bookending. Read on to find out more.
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