Alcohol use and misuse is complex and multifaceted. Our understanding must be also.

As I wrote last month, one of the big projects of 2019/20 was the compilation of an alcohol handbook. I am super excited that this is now available for preorder! The handbook came about from observations that while it is recognised that ‘alcohol’ is a complex, multi level phenomena our understandings are typically limited to one set of systems. So, the bio folk focus on bio, the public health on public health, etc. As a result, perhaps the different parts of the field are not learning do much as they could from one another. Translating theory to practice is also a challenge!
What we wanted to achieve with this volume was to compile a book showcasing the work of the amazing group of researchers, practitioners and those with lived experience in the area. However, we wanted to do this in a way which highlighted each of the various levels of understanding, explored how they compliment and contrast, and how they can be used in practice.
To be honest, most of the hard work was done by the author chapters (we have 26 chapters and probably close over 60 authors in total!). They did an amazing job and I am super proud of the end result :-). A massive thank you to Prof. Ian Albery (who co-Edited the book with me), the authors (especially!) and our publishing team at Academic Press. They all made the journey of pulling it together so enjoyable 🙂
Edited by Daniel Frings and Ian P. Albery, the handbook is now available for pre-order. If you are interested in finding out more, you can read the full blurb, and see how to order, here.