Lots of exciting posts on the way
It has been great getting back in the swing of writing for PsychologyItBetter.com again. I’m so excited about the blog posts that we have coming up, I wanted to share in advance! I have already scheduled posts on the importance of professional friendships, why I am going to try and stop telling people I am busy, and the role of ‘Big Tobacco’ in harm reduction. These will be appearing over the next few weeks. (I’ve also got some very exciting news to share soon…. 🙂 ).
Alongside all this I am also planning new posts on the five most important psychology books ever written, the role of self-affirmation and a load more topics. There should can be something for everybody 🙂
Don’t miss a single one!
I advertise new posts on Facebook and Twitter – but you can quite easily miss these announcements if you’re not looking at these sites around the time the post happens. Fortunately, I have now set things up so you can receive weekly digest of the blogs that have been posted in the last seven days. If you pop your email in the box below and press subscribe, you need never miss a post again 🙂
You can opt out of these emails at any time, and I will never share your email address with other people. I hate spam as much as anyone, so will not be bombarding you with emails!
Whether you choose to sign up or not I do hope you continue to enjoy reading PsychologyItBetter.com as much as I enjoy writing it!
Have a great day!